A B I D E Show and Update

I want to send out so many thanks to all of you who supported me and helped out for my show back in September! I have been meaning to write an update and give a little more info on the results of my show, but have been so behind on everything due to a month-long trip. Now that I am back home (temporarily; currently in the process of moving!) things are starting to get back into a groove.

You can see some of the easels loaned to me by dear friends, and also the piece "Self" featured in this shot taken by the lovely Laura!

You can see some of the easels loaned to me by dear friends, and also the piece “Self” featured in this shot taken by the lovely Laura!

The show was such a success. For anyone who was not able to attend, the A B I D E event took place on September 12th, and was a gallery-style show that featured about 50 canvases, 36 collective pieces for auction & viewing, paired with  excellent live music played by my friends Bri, Tom, Alex & Wes.

A B I D E was inspired by and featured verses from the book of John in the Bible, chapters 14 and 15. They are the words of Jesus to his disciples; words of comfort, hope, love, and peace. He takes time to explain to them and to share with them, and tells them to ‘abide’. I spent a few months meditating on those words and trying to turn them into action.


Incredible snack table set up and manned by my mom and my good friend Minnie!

Incredible snack table set up and manned by my mom and my good friend Minnie!

The ideas for my next project are still in the works. I hope to have more info soon! Thanks again to all my many loved ones!
